A.I.S.E. 60th Anniversary and 9th Information Day 2012

Diamant Conference Centre


1952–2012   60 years of existence for A.I.S.E. with major developments

As one of the first international industry associations of its kind, A.I.S.E. was established during the 1950’s, a decade where prosperity flourished and prominent political events including the Treaty of Rome began to shape the future of Europe. Today it faces new and critical developments such as the economic crisis, and others including climate change, limited natural resources and growing poverty. These factors are challenging all of us to take a responsible and a proactive role in driving the necessary changes that are ahead of us towards a more efficient use of resources and a greening of the economy. Increasingly, the private sector has a leading role to play in driving sustainability. In this context, A.I.S.E will focus its 60th anniversary event on the challenges ahead around sustainability and resource efficiency as key themes for the event. An exhibition will be run in parallel to mark this special anniversary and to highlight some of the key activities and innovation trends in the detergent industry over the last decades.

The 60th anniversary also coincides with the 9th A.I.S.E. Information Day, an annual event that provides an opportunity for the detergents and maintenance products industry in Europe to share its main priorities with EU stakeholders and all interested audiences. The occasion marks a special opportunity to profile the industry’s successful track record in promoting sustainability and its engagement with consumers while continuing to build its reputation in this domain. It is also a chance to share and listen to visionary perspectives that may shape the next 4 decades towards its100 years! In particular, MEPs and their assistants, European Commission officials, NGOs, Trade Bodies, Permanent Representatives, Academia, Scientists and the Media will find this event of great value and are encouraged to attend.

Speakers at the event will include the Commissioner for the Environment, Industry Leaders, Sustainability and Civil Society Experts.

An evening reception at the end of the event will provide participants with an opportunity to meet industry members and to discuss topics presented at the conference.